Monday, January 16, 2012

When RxForTime asked me to blog for them, I was surprised.  I understood that they wanted to associate their new fashion brand with excellence.  And I was flattered.  But why ask an international student from the tiny island of Tuvalu to blog for you?  Mr. Heath Graham, CEO and co-founder of RxForTime, said, “We want to chronicle the CrossFit journey of an athlete tackling the Open for the first time.  Plus, we Mississippians don’t like to write.”  So I said, “Fine, friend!  I will help you out!  We will make history together!”

True, I am new to CrossFit but I have an extensive athletic background.  In Tuvalo, I was national champion in weightlifting, wrestling, fencing, long-distance running and swimming.  Also, I can hold my breath for 16 minutes and 21 seconds!  I will tell you now what I look like.  I am 1.47 meters tall, with short arms and short torso and very thick quadriceps.  I am built like the Pocket Hercules!  And another thing: this gentleman prefers blondes!  (Just kidding.  I am a serious sportsman.)

I first saw CrossFit over the winter holidays on ESPN and when I heard about the cash prize and the Reebok endorsements, I said: “I will be champion.” 

I found a “boxer” in my new hometown of Hattiesburg, Mississippi where I study Conflict Management and International Relations at the University of Southern Mississippi.  It is my dream to create world peace.  At my boxer, which is called CrossFit Hattiesburg, I am preparing for this Open thing.  I have many coaches and they are granting me wisdom in this new sport which is becoming an obsession of mine.  It is fantastic to do a workout with friends and shout at them with all your might.  “Come on!  Come on!  You can do it!”  I get so caught up in the yelling that I often forget I am in the middle of a “wod.”  My coach has to remind me!

Here are my vital statistics so far. 

Max Snatch: 152.5 kilos
Max Clean and Jerk: 170.5 kilos
Max pull-ups: 3
Max box jump: 20 inches (I am afraid of heights)
Fran: 32:59 RX

Friends, join me on my epic journey to the 2012 Reebok CrossFit Games!  I would like to blog every day but Mr. Graham says once or twice a week will do.  I will do what he says until I win glory.  Then I go my own way.

All my love,


P.S. I am supposed to say that RxForTime has the most wonderful fashion this side of the Mason-Dixon Line.

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